The Service Initiative

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Economically Disadvantaged Children:Building a Force for Change


The Service Initiative of Circle K International, Focusing on the Future: Children, is designed to educate all Circle K members about the problems and issues that face children worldwide, ages 6-13. Through personal interaction and public awareness Circle K International will enable children to develop the skills and ideals necessary to be successful.

Circle K International has dedicated it service initiative to the following areas:

After School Programs: Turn off TV, Turn on to Life

Circle K clubs should provide service to already established after school program, initiate their own long-term after school program or participate occasionally in after school program projects throughout the year.

Economically Disadvantaged Children: Building a Force for Change

Circle K clubs should provide service through already established networks that work with economically disadvantaged children.

Educating Children: Open a Book, Show Them the World

Circle K clubs should become involved with improving scholastic achievement of children.

Life Skills Training: Supplying the Tools for Life

Circle K clubs should become involved in helping children adapt to their social environments.

Health and Safety Issues: On Call for the Future

Circle K clubs should become involved in helping children take care of themselves.

Worldwide Service Project: Iodine Deficiency Disorders

Circle K clubs should continue to provide educational workshops on campus about IDD and raise funds to achieve the million goal set by Kiwanis International.