Long Island Division of NY District Circle K 
Welcome to the LI Division
Hey there everyone. This is Long Island Lieutenant Governor Liane Migliardi welcoming you to the Long Island Division on the World Wide Web. We are full of great service, leadership, and fellowship you can find all over New York. You can find helpful info on projects and events that are going on in our division and in th eentire NY District. Feel free to visit all of the pages and check out the other K-Family links. Thank you for visiting Long Island Divisions Site.
Monthly Reports Due
The Secretaries monthly report is due to District Secretary Chris Hutchinson by the 15th of each month. You can submit your clubs MPRF's right online. To access the online form,click here:(MPRF's). Please send a copy of your monthly report to Ltg. Liane.
Distinguished Club of the Month
Each month beginning in September, I will choose to honor a club that has gone above and beyond the call of duty. This club will be honored with the Distinguished Club of the Month Award. If you want to be in the running for this honor, the criteria is as follows:
1. Have at least 2 meeting a month
2.Submitting the monthly report on time by the 15th of each month and having it filled with great projects
3. Contact with LTG on a monthly basis by phone calls, emails or personal visits.
Club Of the Month Awards:
St. Joseph's College
SUNY Stonybrook
St. Joseph's
2001-2002 Service Initative:
Economically Disadvantaged Children: Building a Force for Change
Circle K clubs should provide service through already established networks that work with economically disadvantaged children.What is the Service Initiative?
The Service Initiative is designed to unify the service efforts of Circle K'ers around the world. The Service Initiative, Focusing on the Future: Children, was designed to eucate all CircleK members about the problems that face children ages 6-13 worldwide. Through personal interaction and public awareness, Circle K International members will enable childen todevelop the skills and ideals necessary to be successful. The Service Initiative of Circle K International has six areas of focus. Click on the link to the left to learn more.
2001-02 Governors and District Projects
This year's Governor's Project will be focusing on the promotion of literacy. This is a project that can be carried on at both the club and district level. There are many ways that your club can participate in this program. Clubs can establish a Read-and-Lead Program at a local school(for more information, go to www.readandlead.com). Clubs can also promote literacy by holding book drives at or by volunteering to read to children at a local library. These are just some of the ways that your club can participate- as always feel free to come up with your own service projects.

This year's District project is the Make A Wish Foundation. The Make A Wish Foundation grants the wishes to children under the age of 18 with life threatening illnesses. It is the largest wish-granting organization in the world. There are many ways that Circle K clubs can help this organization. Fundraising is one way that we can help. If your club fundraises, make sure you report it to the NY District so your club gets credit for it. You can also help the Make A Wish Foundation in non monetary ways by helping them in the offices, with public relations, special events and more. For more information, you can call (516)944-6212 or (631)348-9474.